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100% of your donations go directly to Lightness.

Lightness is a student from Tanzania who is fully funded for this school year! Fund another student here.

$200 raised
$0 to go
Lightness Sumaye
When I was in a bicycle accident, I got some injuries on my left leg. I have learnt to be careful when riding. I felt proud of myself when I was chosen to be among of students interviewed by WEF. My happiest moment is when I knew I could speak English well. It helps me in my exams and now I am doing well.
My dream is to be a civil engineer. I will study science subjects to reach my dream. When I am a civil engineer, I will help my parents to pay school fees of my young brother. I will provide support and learning materials for WEF students. If I could change my country, I would make sure the country has modern buildings and a modern transport system.

Birthday: 2005

Gender: Female

Favorite Classes: mathematics

Favorite Books: Kalulu the Hare

I Want to Be: civil engineer

Hobbies: dancing gospel songs

Family: father, mother, 1 brother, 1 sister, 2 grandmothers

O-Level School: Endarofta Secondary School

Funding for Form 4 2023:
Tuition, Exams, Uniform   $200

TOTAL   $200
Funding for Form 3 2022: $250
Funding for Form 2 2021: $250
Lightness's Journal
246 Entries
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Hello Dear!!!
You know the Beautiful thing about learning is that, no one can take it away from you.
So learning is the better thing
Make sure you learn
Helow dear friends;
It is my hope that you are all fine as well as doing the best in your studies, firstly am very happy to share with you all: Having a Chance with you let's share about the importance of environmental conservation throughout our community and a nation at large.
Environmental conservation refers to the protection, preservation, and sustainable management of natural resources and ecosystems. It's crucial for several reasons:

1. Biodiversity: conservation efforts help maintain biodiversity by protecting various species and their habitats, which are essential for ecosystem stability and resilience.

2. Ecosystem Services: Natural ecosystems provide essential services like clean air and water, soil fertility, pollination, and climate regulation. Conservation ensures these services continue to benefit humans and other organisms.

3. Climate Change Mitigation: Preserving forests, wetlands, and other natural carbon sinks helps mitigate climate change by absorbing and storing carbon dioxide.

4. Sustainable Resource Use: Conservation promotes sustainable use of resources, ensuring they are available for current and future generations.

5. Cultural and Aesthetic Value: Many natural areas hold cultural significance and provide recreational and aesthetic benefits. Conservation preserves these aspects for enjoyment and cultural heritage.

6. Economic Benefits: Healthy ecosystems support industries such as tourism, fishing, and agriculture, contributing to local economies and livelihoods.

Overall, environmental conservation is vital for maintaining the health of the planet and securing a sustainable future for all life forms.
The joy you will receive after you have realized the positive outcome of the hard decision you made today, you will not even able to explain about it.
Don't hesitate to make decision as far as it is for the best of your car
Hello dear!
I would want to emphasize you to keep it up in whatever you are doing specifically in your studies for you are the bright future of tomorrow.
Hello dear one. How are you doing with you studies, i would like to hear more from you on how your daily routine are.
Hello Fam!!
How are you doing?
How have you been?
How are feeling as you have entered in a new academic year?
Hello Fam 😊,’

A better way to improve in a new and fresh year is no other but let the mind break its comfort zone and let it explore more to even find a better way to elevate that level of thinking and brainstorming. Dr Grace Lordan suggest β€˜β€™Take small steps and build the future that you want’’ and here are 10 lessons from her beautiful work β€˜β€™THINK BIG’’.

10 lessons from
1. Don't be afraid to dream big. The first step to achieving anything is to believe that it's possible. So don't be afraid to dream big, even if your dreams seem impossible.

2. Set goals and make a plan. Once you know what you want, it's time to create a plan for how you're going to achieve it. Break your goals down into smaller, more manageable steps, and then make a schedule for when you're going to complete each step.

3. Take action. The most important thing is to take action. Don't just sit around and dream about what you want to achieve. Take steps every day to move closer to your goals.

4. Don't give up. There will be times when you want to give up. But if you keep going, you will eventually achieve your goals.

5. Be patient. It takes time to achieve anything worthwhile. So be patient and don't expect to see results overnight.

6. Surround yourself with positive people. The people you spend time with have a big impact on your success. So surround yourself with positive people who will support you and help you achieve your goals.

7. Believe in yourself. The most important thing is to believe in yourself. If you believe that you can achieve your goals, then you're halfway there.

8. Never stop learning. The world is constantly changing, so it's important to keep learning new things. The more you learn, the better equipped you'll be to achieve your goals.

9. Don't be afraid to fail. Everyone fails at some point. But don't let failure discourage you. Learn from your mistakes and keep moving forward.

10. Enjoy the journey. Don't just focus on the end goal. Enjoy the journey of achieving your goals. It's a journey that will teach you a lot about yourself and help you grow as a person.

I hope these lessons help you on your journey to achieving your dream and having a better experience running towards your dreams and goals.

β€œThe man who walks because he loves walking will walk further than the man who loves the destination.”

But the man who walks to save his loved ones won’t stop no matter how much he hates walking.

Use whatever it takes to to get to wherever you wanna go.’’

Be blessed 😊
Hello Fam,

Happy new year to you all, it feels really good to write to you today.
Happy new year is just a date and normal day and season just like any other, a difference is just that we are stepping into another year where date is now nominated on the base of +1 Year. Addition to that which is even more important is that we are given a a chance to make improvements of plans and modifications of what did not work in 2023 or we performed below standards and we were eventually not pleased by the outcomes, what a great opportunity.

So hear are my 12 insights and steps you can take and i am certain they can improve this year and make it even memorable year you will always be pleased to reflect and remember the rest of your life.

🌟 Title: "🌟 Think and Grow Rich in 12 Steps 🌟"

πŸ”₯ Step 1: Burning Desire - πŸ”₯ Be in love with your goal! Let that passion fuel your journey. Your burning desire is the spark that ignites the path to success. It's that fire within your soul that keeps you motivated, pushing you to overcome obstacles and persist when challenges arise. Cultivate this desire, nurture it daily, and watch how it transforms mere dreams into tangible realities. Fall in love with the process as much as the end goal, and you'll find unwavering dedication in every step you take towards your aspirations.

πŸ’ͺ Step 2: Absolute Faith - πŸ’ͺ No matter what, believe in yourself and your dreams. Absolute faith acts as your unwavering anchor during turbulent times. It's the unshakeable belief that propels you forward when doubts try to creep in. Trust the process, trust your abilities, and most importantly, trust that you're on the right path. This unyielding faith becomes the driving force behind every action, guiding you steadily towards the realization of your ambitions.

πŸ—£οΈ Step 3: Self Talk - πŸ—£οΈ Speak your goal into existence daily, in the present tense. Your words hold immense power. The consistent repetition of your goals transforms mere thoughts into convictions. By affirming your aspirations in the present tense, you're programming your subconscious mind for success. This self-talk technique reinforces your commitment and aligns your thoughts with the direction you want to move in. Embrace the language of success, and watch how your reality begins to mirror your affirmations.

🎯 Step 4: Specialize - 🎯 Become the go-to expert in your niche. Specialization is the cornerstone of expertise. Dive deep into your chosen field, immerse yourself in knowledge, and hone your skills to perfection. By narrowing your focus, you amplify your impact. Position yourself as a thought leader, offering invaluable insights and solutions. Your expertise becomes your unique selling point, setting you apart in a competitive landscape.

πŸ’‘ Step 5: Imagination - πŸ’‘ Your mind is powerful. If you can dream it and believe it, you can achieve it! Embrace the boundless realm of your imagination. Visualize your success vividly, let your dreams soar, and envision the possibilities. Imagination is the birthplace of innovation. Allow it to paint the picture of your future, and watch as your thoughts materialize into concrete actions.

πŸ“ Step 6: Plan - πŸ“ Map out your path to success. Make a plan and work it diligently. A well-thought-out plan is the roadmap to achievement. Break down your goals into manageable steps, set deadlines, and create a clear path forward. Your plan becomes the blueprint guiding your actions, ensuring focus and efficiency in every endeavor.

πŸš€ Step 7: Take Massive Action - πŸš€ Decide swiftly, act promptly. Speed is the key to success! Taking massive action propels you forward at an accelerated pace. Don't hesitate; make decisions promptly and execute them swiftly. Momentum is your ally on the journey to success. By embracing this principle, you seize opportunities and stay ahead in the race towards your goals.

πŸ” Step 8: Be Persistent - πŸ” Never give up! Persistence is the bridge between goals and achievement. Persistence is the unwavering determination that keeps you going despite setbacks. It's the resilience to bounce back stronger every time life throws challenges your way. Stay committed to your goals, persevere through adversity, and let your determination be your guiding light through the darkest of times.

πŸ’ͺ Step 9: Rebound from Failure - πŸ’ͺ Failure is a lesson, not the end. Bounce back stronger every time! Embrace failure as an opportunity to learn and grow. It's not the end of the road but a detour leading you towards success. Analyze the setbacks, extract lessons, and use them as stepping stones to move forward. Your ability to rebound from failure determines your resilience and shapes your ultimate success story.

🀝 Step 10: Collaborate - 🀝 Working with others multiplies your effectiveness. Teamwork makes the dream work! Collaboration amplifies your capabilities by harnessing the strengths of others. Partnering with like-minded individuals creates synergy, fostering innovation and collective success. Embrace collaboration as a powerful tool in your journey towards achieving greatness.

πŸ”₯ Step 11: Take Risks - πŸ”₯ Embrace risks; they ignite the fire within and propel you forward. Calculated risks often lead to exponential growth. Step out of your comfort zone, embrace uncertainty, and leverage risks as opportunities for progress. The courage to take risks fuels your ambition and propels you towards remarkable achievements.

🌱 Step 12: Self Improvement - 🌱 Grow daily. Continuous improvement opens doors to new opportunities. Imagine being 365x better a year from now! Self-improvement is the cornerstone of personal and professional growth. Commit to lifelong learning, seek new knowledge, acquire new skills, and evolve constantly. Every step towards self-improvement is an investment in your future success. Embrace this journey of growth, and watch how it transforms you into the best version of yourself.

✨ Have a blessed day and an incredible year ahead, fam! Let's conquer our goals together. ✨

Warm regards

Joshua Paul.
Hi Dear!!
let me simply say that the place where your greatest discomfort
lies is also the spot where your largest opportunity lives. The beliefs that
disturb you, the feelings that threaten you, the projects that unnerve you and
the unfoldments of your talents that the insecure part of you is resisting are
precisely where you need to go to. Lean deeply toward these doorways into
your bigness as a creative producer, seeker of personal freedom and
possibilitarian. And then embrace these beliefs, feelings and projects quickly
instead of structuring your life in a way that’s designed to dismiss them
Hello dear
May i please take this chance to congratulate you. As we are approaching to end of this year, may you please take time and appreciate your self?
I know it hasn't been easy to come all way from january to december, with a lot of hard work and dedication. You deserve to be appreciated for that..
As you are going for holiday, use this good time to refresh your Mind..
You have done a lot, Take time now and relax.... Feel proud of yourself
HELLO WEF. Hopping that you are fine back to side I am cool and quite with my studies. Today I want to share with you about my future after finish form four. I planed that after finish form four to start cook cakes and sell at home till when result comeout. To me I see this is good idea since I will get profit rather than staying at home workless for seven months. Please I beg you are opinions .Thank you ……………………………Good bye have a good journey and long life………………………………………. BY: LIGHTNESS SUMAYE
Make positive thinking be your lifestyle.
Don't allow your mind be dominated by bad perception
how are you doing? i hope you are fine and i am fine too. how is your studies?, are you progressing well? we are approaching to end of this year and that means you will soon seat for your final examinations, right?
OK, use this time now to interact with your fellow colleagues, try to share with them what you understand and tell them to share with you what they understand. LOVE YOU SO MUCH.
HELLOW WEF.It is my hope that you are all fine and you are continuing well with your daily activities back to me I’m also fine and I’m continuing well with my studies. Today I want to share with you about conservation of water sources. Conservation of water sources is to keep water sources clean so as to obtain safe water for use. Example for cleaning house, cooking, drinking and irrigation. The following are the ways of conserving sources of water.1.Avoiding cultivating near the water sources. 2.Avoiding washing clothes in water sources.3.Planting trees when cutting trees.4.Avoiding over stocking…………….,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,THANK YOU,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,……………………………….,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I LOVE YOU ALL AND HAVE A NICE DAY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Hello World Education fundI hope that you are fine and going well with your daily routine bouncing back to me I am good .For today I wish to share with you about GROUP DISCUSSION.Group discussion is the act where by more than one person make a decision on something. People may either discuss on many matter such as; subject matters, economic matters, social matters and political matters. , offices, hospitals and churches. Discussion may help people in understanding things easy more than doing one person, also it may lead to simply work, discussion may be used in doing researches.In our school compound discussion help us to gain new knowledge, it act as refreshment also discussion is the time that people used to exchange the ideas, views and opinions. Due to my experience discussion speed up the rate of academic performance …………………………………………….Have a nice day……………………………………………
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